
Istanbul turkey map

Map of istanbul and surrounding countries. Istanbul turkey map (Turkey) to print. Istanbul turkey map (Turkey) to download. Istanbul is in Turkey and the country shares borders with eight other surrounding countries, namely Georgia, Greece, Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Syria, and Armenia as its shown in istanbul turkey map. Turkey largest city, Istanbul is closest to Bulgaria as it located at a distance of 417 kilometers.

Map of istanbul and surrounding countries

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Turkey relations with Georgia are at strategic partnership level (see istanbul turkey map). Turkey has been the biggest trade partner of Georgia since 2007 and among the leading investor countries to Georgia. In accordance with the protocol signed on 31 May 2011 and which entered into force on 10 December 2011, Turkish and Georgian citizens are able to travel each other country with their national identity documents.
Turkey and Bulgaria are two friendly, neighborly and allied countries as its mentioned in istanbul turkey map. With Bulgaria embracing democracy and free market economy relations have developed, high level visits between the two countries have increased. Turkey has supported the integration of Bulgaria with Euro-Atlantic structures. Bulgaria joined NATO in March 2004 and became member of the EU as of 1 January 2007.
In 2010, the High-Level Cooperation Council (HLCC) between Turkey and Greece was set up thanks to a Turkish initiative (see istanbul turkey map). The HLCC aims at addressing various issues of Turkish-Greek relations at high level, thus contributing to progress in existing and prospective areas of cooperation, and rendering an “institutional” ground for Turkish-Greek relations. There is mutual representation at Embassy level. Greece has additional consular authorities in Istanbul, Izmir and Edirne, while Turkey maintains consulates in Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Komotini and Rhodes.